I'll show you how

Calm - Clear - Confident - Consistent - Limitless - Free

This 90-minute workshop will forever change the way you think about meditation.

Can't quiet your mind? You don't have to.

Fractured thinking? Gain focus, clarity and patience.

Life's too hectic to meditate? I'll show you how to make time.

Anxiety? That can be overcome.

Stuck in your current meditation routine? I'll show you five ways to mix it up.

You'll have a dedicated coach throughout the challenge, and an accountability partner to keep you focused on your abundant future.

This Is How Meditation Was Meant To Be

Feel the transformative power of their first experience!

She felt the shift and connected with her inner power...

He found the meditation practice he's been searching for, a peace that cannot be explained...

Get Your Meditation Practice Right The First Time

  • Change decades of self-sabotaging behaviors

  • Reframe your inner voice to abundance

  • Remove artificial limitations to happiness

  • Gain calm control of your breath

  • Learn to let go of the outer world

  • Turn inward to find peace and balance

  • Feel healthier and more optimistic

  • Lower stress levels in all areas of your life

  • Establish higher goals and a new outlook on life

  • Map out an abundant future for yourself

Enlightenment Happens Quickly

You don't really want to learn how to meditate - what you really want are the benefits: a prolonged feeling of balance and inner peace. Meditation is only a tool to get you started. The real goal is a higher awareness and enlightenment. Start down a path to cultivate a deep sense of health, self-awareness, and abundance. You will see results right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is your approach to meditation different?

Meditation is taught BACKWARDS. To be a successful meditator (so the story goes), the first thing you are expected to do is quiet your mind and after several years of training you start to see results. But we live in a modern world, and the hardest thing by far is to quiet our mind. In fact, it is unattainable for most people, so we feel like we're failing. "Maybe meditation just isn't for me."

In this workshop, we'll skip over the hard part (quieting your mind) and get right to the good part: Enlightenment, peace and balance. You don't have to quiet your mind to be enlightened - you already are enlightened. How can anyone give you what you already have? How can anyone make you something you already are?

My role is to bring the true enlightenment teaching into your life, and coach you through the process. I'll teach you a few tricks of the meditation trade that will strengthen your inner efforts. You're much more likely to succeed using my methods because I don't take a rigid approach to meditation. I don't get stuck in the traditions or specific techniques of meditation, I approach it in a fluid, natural and more realistic way that gets you right to the heart of enlightenment.

What is the cost to participate in these challenges?

There is no cost or fees for ANY of our enlightenment classes or workshops. Our community, our workshops, our training is all free for everyone who sincerely wants to improve their life.

Why don't you charge a fee for these classes?

When a neighbor moves in down the street and you bake them cookies - do you charge them for the cookies? Of course not. You receive an inner reward by doing something good for others - lifting them up, welcoming them, making their lives a little easier, and sharing your knowledge with them. Even if you don't become good friends with that neighbor in the future - that inner reward stays with you and makes you a better person.

Money is man's invention. It is unnatural to pay for living on this planet, yet we've taken every human endeavor and every possible interaction and put a price on it. Money is a bad dream, and unfortunately we're all stuck in it. So we all still need money, but I have no interest in taking it from you. I don't live in a world of lack. I just want to "welcome you to the neighborhood," share my knowledge of abundance and enlightenment with you, and let you know that, if you let me, I'm here to make your life happier and more meaningful.

Your light adds to our community's light, your happiness to our happiness, your abundance to our abundance!

Are these challenges live events?

Yes. This intro to meditation workshop is a 90-minute live session accessible on zoom with more live events scheduled throughout the week to support your journey and answer all your questions.

How long is this session?

The live meditation workshop runs 90 minutes. You'll be given several meditations to work with, and create your own personal plan to do your meditations daily. Then live events over the next several days allow you to reinforce these new habits, share your experiences and struggles with others, connect with the instructor and get all your questions answered.

Are there other classes beyond this Meditation Workshop?

YES! Every week our community meets in a casual "Enlightened Vibes" session to explore more enlightened techniques and practices. Join us to explore deeper inner teachings of self-development and enlightenment (all free of course).

Can I bring a friend or family member to the event?

That would be great! But it's really best if they register themselves, if they express an interest. This is work and so if they start out unsure, it's unlikely they will stick with it. Better if it comes from them. Please share this page with them so they can register if they're interested.

If family members living in the same house are involved, we encourage you to participate together as a family, and support each other throughout the challenge.

Can I communicate with the teacher and other students after the event?

Yes. That's what our Abundant Thinking community is for. The information you learn in the challenge must be integrated into your life each day. It's almost impossible to succeed with this inner work without being accountable to a person or small group. In our community, you'll connect with an accountability partner or form your own small group to stay focused and on purpose. Your coach will also be in that community, and there will be follow up live events for discussion and all your questions.

Are these classes appropriate for children?

It is our belief that everyone should build a connection to their inner world - the earlier the better. But when it comes to children attending a live event, it depends on the emotional maturity of the child. Generally children 13 and older would be welcome at any of our live events (with parents permission).

Do you charge for these classes?

No. There are no fees, and only in one class - The Cycle of Mind Workshop - is the purchase of a book required ($11.99).

Why don't you charge a fee for these classes?

When a neighbor moves in down the street and you bake them some cookies - do you ask them for money? Of course not. You receive an inner reward which comes from doing something good for others - lifting them up, welcoming them, making their lives a little easier, and sharing your knowledge of the neighborhood. Even if you don't become good friends with that neighbor in the future - that inner reward stays with you and makes you a better person.

Money is man's invention. You should not have to pay someone to live on this planet, but now we've taken every human endeavor and every interaction, and put a price on it. Money is a bad dream, but unfortunately we're all stuck in it. So we all still need money, but we have no interest in taking it from you. We just want to "welcome you to the neighborhood," share our knowledge of abundance with you, and let you know that we're here to help make your life happier and more meaningful.

We enjoy an inner reward - to watch you grow and become happier, healthier and more abundant. Your abundance adds to our abundance.

I notice "Challenges" and "Workshops". Is there a difference?

Yes. Challenges use the Abundance Blueprint, while workshops are based on the Thought Matrix as introduced in The Cycle of Mind.

What's the difference between the Abundance Blueprint and the Thought Matrix?

The Abundance Blueprint can be applied to any circumstance in the outer world. It can be used by anyone for any purpose. It's easy to learn, easy to teach, and it's very powerful.
The Thought Matrix is used for inner development and establishing internal abundance. It facilitates a new sense of self-awareness and lets you make significant shifts in your inner life.
One works on changing outer circumstances, one works on changing inner character and values.

Are there similarities between the Abundance Blueprint and the Thought Matrix?
Yes. Both use the power of Mind to affect change - both inner and outer.

Is there any special requirement to take a Challenge or a Workshop?

Challenges are open to anyone. There are no requirements, and they can be taken in any sequence. On the other hand, to attend a workshop you must first complete the foundational Cycle of Mind Workshop. Once successfully completed, all other workshops are available to you and can be attended in any sequence.

Are there other classes beyond these Challenges and Workshops?

Yes. For those who are interested, there are deeper inner teachings of self-development.

Here's the crazy thing. When you open your mind to the possibility of abundance, you see it all around you.

In the kindness of others, in the beauty of nature, and in the endless possibilities that surround you. It's an inner mindset that transcends limitations, fostering gratitude, creativity, and a profound sense of fulfillment.

Meditation, I believe, is not about technique or a traditional/purist approach. It's much simpler than that. It's about opening your eyes to the reality of your inner abundance, then giving you the tools to navigate inside that inner world where peace, balance, happiness and all good things already exist.

These People Connected

Get control of your mind and feel the transformative power of Abundance firsthand!

Meditation is Taught BACKWARDS and it Makes Us Feel Like We've Failed

You can't quiet your mind. It's unachievable for a beginner - yet that's the first thing they tell us to do - so we all feel like failures. They tell you thinking is the enemy - your thoughts are mere illusions, any worldly attachments hold you down - detach yourself from this meaningless world. It makes us think enlightenment isn't going to happen for us if we have any thoughts or attachments.

It's not normal to be unhappy.

It's not normal to be unhealthy.

It's not normal to be stressed and worried.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to stop living and loving. I don't want to stop caring about what happens in this world. I want to have fun. I want to be abundant. This life was meant to be lived - and we were meant to be enlightened - it's our gift.

There is be a better way, and that's where I can help you see things more clearly. The truth is, you already are enlightened, you already are divinity, you already are light, you already know the full truth of your existence.

How could enlightenment be difficult when you already are enlightened? It should be easy - and fun - and powerful.

So your first assignment is not to quiet your Mind, but instead recognize that you already are enlightened, and to find your balance within that truth. Let me help you bring all aspects of your life into balance - that's what your meditation practice will be about.

©2024 Alan Gordon, LLC All rights reserved